Distillery Tours.

Tour of the rum fermentation tanks.


It all begins with sugar cane.

To ferment, the juice, syrup, jaggery or molasses is dissolved/diluted with water and yeast added. This produces ethanol and CO2 but also flavours and aromas.

Distillery with copper pot still and column.


It is then distilled using a number of different methods to create the vast amount of styles that rum can be.

Single pot still, double pot still, column and botanical.

Tour of Rum Barrel Maturation & ageing.


It is said that 70% of a rums taste and aroma come from the barrel. See, smell and taste our rum maturing right here at the distillery.

Keen for a tour? Bookings are essential and there are minimum/maximum numbers for a tour.

Tours last approximately 1.5-2 hours and start time can be flexible.

Price is $35 per person.

Tour Vouchers can be bought as gifts for others from the Shop tab or just click here.

Bookings at: info@thenzrumco.nz or call Rob on 02108112721.